What Does Microdermabrasion Do?

What Does Microdermabrasion Do

Curious about microdermabrasion? If your skin is begging for a glow-up, booking yourself in for a microdermabrasion treatment could be just what your complexion needs! Microdermabrasion can help banish your dull, dry and crusty skin, assist with smoothing out those fine lines and wrinkles, and finally let you put your most radiant, glowing face forward. 

Let us take you through the ins and outs of the popular beauty treatment – including what microdermabrasion is, how it works, if it’s even good, if the treatment will remove your blackheads, and whether you can wear makeup after the session.

So, What is Microdermabrasion? 

Microdermabrasion is a facial treatment that uses a hand-held vacuum device that works to buff, smoothen, and exfoliate the skin, while also sucking out dirt and impurities from deep within the pores at the same time. By smoothing out your complexion, it can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and aging. 

During treatment, a purpose-built microdermabrasion tool makes tiny pin-point pricks in the skin with either a diamond-wand tip or alternatively, by emitting tiny crystals which are then also vacuumed up by the device. Despite this somewhat painful-sounding process, the treatment is actually quite non-invasive and requires minimal downtime. It is also relatively pain-free, and apart from a slight suction sensation during treatment, it causes minimal discomfort. 

Microdermabrasion is also a much less harsh procedure than more invasive treatments like laser resurfacing and skin peels. Nonetheless, it can still be incredibly effective for smoothing out rough, dry skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles – resulting in a more youthful and glowing appearance overall. 

Is Microdermabrasion Good?

Yes, getting regular microdermabrasion treatments can do wonders for the skin! 

By exfoliating, buffing and smoothing out any rough patches you have on your face, you can expect your complexion to appear more radiant, vibrant, and brighter in general.

In addition to this, the vacuum suction performed during the treatment also helps to give your skin a deep, thorough cleanse and remove unwanted goop from deep down in the pores. This helps not only even out your skin tone, but also removes unsightly blackheads, and helps clear breakouts and congestion. 

Microdermabrasion can also assist with making mature skin look less ravaged by age. By scrubbing off dead skin cells, the treatment helps to make room for new, fresh skin cells to regenerate. It also helps to buff out lines and wrinkles, making the skin appear smoother, clearer, and younger.

Does Microdermabrasion Work? 

Like any skin treatment, you need to perform microdermabrasion regularly for the best results. 

But how often should you get a microdermabrasion treatment, exactly? To maintain your glow, try to schedule a session every 2 to 4 weeks. This will help keep your results going, but also, will allow the skin time to rejuvenate between sessions. 

If you stick to your appointments, expect your skin to love you for it. Microdermabrasion is, essentially, a deep exfoliation. And as we all know, if you want glowing, radiant skin, you need to scrub off the dead, crusty hangers-on to reveal the vibrant complexion that’s hiding beneath. 

If you’re booked in for a microdermabrasion session, get ready for your glow-up! 

Can I Wear Makeup After Microdermabrasion?

If you need to wear makeup after you’ve had a microdermabrasion session, we recommend waiting at least 12 hours. This will give your skin time to breathe in the hours following your treatment. Your skin may also be quite tender after a microdermabrasion session, and also, your pores will still be open. Using makeup straight away could cause irritation, or even infection in some cases. That is why it is best to wait!

Feeling impatient, or need to go somewhere where makeup is required as part of the dress code? If you do choose to wear makeup soon after your appointment, it’s best to go for light, mineral makeup that is less likely to irritate your freshly exfoliated complexion. 

After your 12 hours is up though, go nuts! Your smoother, buffed-out skin will even mean that your makeup will apply better – especially your foundation, powders, and concealer. 

Does Microdermabrasion Remove Blackheads? 

In short, microdermabrasion is amazing for blackhead removal. The combination of exfoliation, deep cleansing, and vacuum suction helps to draw out all the gunk from congested pores. 

After your treatment, expect your complexion to both look and feel cleaner. Your pores have quite literally had all the nasties scooped out of them, and your face will be glowing. The best news? Thanks to the vacuum device, you won’t need any individual extractions to be performed during your treatment. If you’ve ever had an extraction facial, you’ll know that this painstaking method of blackhead removal can be totally uncomfortable. Microdermabrasion can get rid of all your blackheads in just one swipe of the vacuum tool! It’s a true skin saviour for all those blackhead-congested girlies (and guys!) out there. 

Are At-Home Microdermabrasion Kits Effective or Safe?

There are many at-home microdermabrasion kits available on the market. And, when used properly, they can be incredibly effective. But, are they safe?

If you purchase a good quality kit, with salon-grade tools, and follow the instructions to a tee – yes. On the other hand, if you’re not sure of yourself, it could be risky. If you’re particularly heavy-handed, you may experience more bruising than usual. Other common side effects could include:

  • Discolouration or darkening of the skin in treated areas
  • Dryness or flakiness on the face if you have been too rough
  • Increased sunlight sensitivity – so make sure to use sunscreen, and try to stay out of the sun immediately after the treatment.

In short, yes, you can perform your own microdermabrasion treatments at home, especially if you are armed with salon-quality tools, and you’re good at following instructions. You can also expect to see similar results – that is to say, a smoother, brighter complexion. 

But, if you are in any doubt about your at-home microdermabrasion skills, it’s always best to book yourself in with a professionally-qualified and licensed beauty therapist.

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