The g string, or thong, as Americans call it, is ever-popular, and has a surprisingly interesting history behind it.
Now I probably don’t need to explain what a g string is to you, but just in case you’re unfamiliar, it’s a style of underwear, characterised by its string-like material that sits between the wearer’s bum cheeks.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it called a g string?’, the truth is: no one seems to have a definite answer as to what the ‘g’ in g string stands for—although some people believe it’s for groin.
So who invented the thong? Well, you could argue it was the ancient Egyptians, strippers, or a handful of designers—quite the mix of options really.
The history of the thong
Many say that g strings are similar to, or in some way come from, loincloths, which are one-piece garments consisting of cloth that hangs down from the waist. Loincloths are one of the earliest recorded forms of clothing, worn by Egyptians from about 3000 BCE. They were most often worn by men.
NYC and g string women’s underwear
The story goes that the g string exists now because ahead of the 1939 World’s Fair in New York City, NYC Mayor Fiorello La Guardia was worried that tourists might be put off by the city’s completely nude strippers. So, the modern-day g string became the solution: a small piece of fabric that covered only what it needed to.
Swimming in thongs
It wasn’t until the ‘70s that designer Rudi Gernreich invented the g string bathers, or thong swimsuit for the Americans. This was a big deal at the time as women were slowly being encouraged to break through previously taboo or conservative attitudes towards how they should dress.
G strings and the general public
The ‘80s brought lycra and spandex, and women were suddenly conscious of the visibility of their underwear through their tight-fitting attire. In response, Frederick Mellinger, founder of underwear brand Frederick’s of Hollywood, introduced g string underwear to the masses, calling it the ‘Scanty Panty’. The style didn’t quite take off as everyday underwear straight away, but it was brought to the public in a way it hadn’t previously been.
So when did thong underwear become popular?
G string lingerie really took off in the ‘90s. Monica Lewinsky might have had something to do with this; allegedly, she flashed her g string to Bill Clinton in an effort to flirt with him.
The 2000s: Prime time for the g string
There’s a lot to remember about the fashion of the early 2000s, but no one style stands out quite like the low rise jean. Low rise jeans and g strings worked hand-in-hand to create the iconic look that is g-string-straps-over-denim.
Whether you’re a g string lover, a brief devotee, or a boyleg fanatic, there’s no denying that the history of the thong is rather interesting—if we’ve learnt anything, it’s that while all underwear has its place, none is quite as iconic as the g string.