Lower back pain is all too common in modern society. People of all ages suffer from it, so let’s look at some excellent ways you can soothe this uncomfortable, and sometimes unnecessary, pain.
Get a massage
A deep tissue massage can help break up scar tissue and undo any knots in your lower back. This works wonders at providing long-lasting relief from pain.
Stretch your lower back
There are multiple stretches you can do to ease muscle tension and get rid of tightness in your lower back. The child’s pose is a popular yoga stretch for soothing lower back pain.
Stretch your hip flexors
Sometimes, back pain is caused by tight hip flexors, and a simple stretch is all it takes to soothe the tension. Get into a lunge position to stretch the front of your thigh and ease tension on your back.
Stand up more
Avoid sitting down if you want to ease back pain. Try to get up and walk around every 30-60 minutes, as this can help keep you back warm and moving.
Use a massage ball
Massage balls are excellent for at-home massages, and you can even use them on yourself. All you have to do is lie on the ball and roll around (carefully), this should help soothe back tension.

Get a back support cushion for your chair
Back support cushions force your spine into its natural alignment. This prevents the aggressive arch in your lower back that causes back pain for so many.
Try vibration therapy
You can buy massage devices that are designed to be placed on your lower back. They vibrate to ease tension in the muscle, and should work fast to sooth pain and provide some relief.
Heat therapy
You can buy different sprays or creams that actually apply heat to your lower back. You’ll get a warm sensation that wakes up the muscles and melts away some of your soreness and tension. The warming sensation is a soothing feeling in itself!
Go swimming
Swimming is shown to help with chronic back pain as it’s easy on the joints and gets your abs and glutes working hard. This doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise, a gentle stroke at a manageable pace is more than enough.

Visit a back pain specialist
It’s always best to get a professional’s opinion. When it comes to back pain, to an osteopathy clinic or similar service with specialised professionals. They can identify the cause of your problems and work on finding the best solution for long-lasting pain relief.
Strengthen your butt and ab muscles
Do exercises like glute bridges to strengthen your butt muscles. A weak butt is often associated with back pain, as it can pull your hips out of alignment. Similarly, strong abs will protect your lower back and help prevent the spine and hips from moving out of place.
Change your mattress
An old mattress can be the cause of your back pain. Swap it out for something that offers more support, improving your sleep quality and soothing any tension.
Improve your work setup
Create an ergonomic workstation that lets you form the perfect posture. This can prevent nagging back pain that results from a less-than-ideal work setup that allows for poor posture.
Start meditating
Meditate in the morning and evening to encourage your muscles to relax. Visualise each muscle relaxing and getting rid of its tension—you’ll be surprised at how effective this can be at soothing muscle pain.
Protect your back
Stop doing things that aggravate back pain, like lifting heavy objects. Also, learn how to lift safely to protect your back and stop the pain from getting worse.
Lie down
This is a tip for anyone that feels bursts of pain throughout the day. It won’t cure your problem, but it does take the tension out of your back and lets the muscles relax.
Try these bright ideas to ease soothe back pain. Some of these tips will target long-term relief, while others are fantastic at providing quick answers to your pain. Remember to always speak with your health professional before making any lifestyle changes or trying new treatments, exercises, or similar.